
Ancillary Tasks !

Website Research

Berklee is another music website which is foundationed on a music based magazine. It has an upcoming veents page which tells veiwers the latest happenings including gigs, concerts etc and gives detail of what bands are playing where, when and how much it is to get it. Moreover I thought that was would be a ideal page for one of my hyperlinked website pages as it complies with the theme and subject matters.

I found KERRANG! to be a really good website to look up and research about since i researched their magazine when i was doing some magazine research. the links they use are very simple but adequate to who they perceive themselves to be, and the overall look and appearance of the website is very loud and out going which tells the viewer straight away that it is informal and gives off a relaxed and chilled out impression.

Whilst looking through the website, i came across a page named 'Bands' which i thought instantly that i could use as a title for one of my hyperlinked pages off of the home page. The main reason for this is the fact that because my newspaper specifies in music and local bands and artists, i thought that having a 'Bands' page would be a great idea to suit the newspaper's theme.
First and foremost I needed to decide what software to use to create my website on.
I could either use Microsoft Publisher or Dreamweaver.
As a result I decided to use Microsoft Publisher as it was more beneficial for me personally as it meant that I could work on my website from home as well as at college unlike Dreamweaver which I didn’t consist of having on my home computer.
I understood that this would be a risk that I was taking since all of the other fellow media students on my course was using Dreamweaver, and that my teacher would be unable to help me in creating my website.
However I decided to take the chance since I knew how to use the software and had a better knowledge of going about designing a website on Publisher rather than Dreamweaver.
First thing I did when I opened publisher was selected a New website page.
I then designed a template so I could begin on working to manufacture the website layout and content etc. I then chose red, blue and white to be the colour scheme for the website
as this was the colour scheme for my magazine name and logo design, and so I thought that it would therefore very fitting and flow nicely.
Once the template had been created, the first piece of work I set on was creating the hyperlinks. To do this, I created two new pages of which then linked them all up together so you can access each of them from any of the pages.
Following this I could then name and design them for my first page and second page off of the home page!

Now everything had been set up for the webpage with the templates, I now could set out to deciding what information I wanted on there, and thinking of what would be the best information to provide my targeted audience with.
After doing some website research I found that on music based websites there were a lot of ‘upcoming events’ pages and a lot to do with current most wanted bands. So taking this into account alongside other factors I decided to name my two hyperlinked pages ‘Bands’ and ‘Upcoming Events’

The Website

The Poster

Designing the poster was the last task that I carried out.
The first thing I did was design a layout, which I decided that i wanted to try and make as simple as possible but loud and informative all at the same time.

Before i did anything, i researched posters and leaflets in my local area for example in and around my college, and since where i live is situated in quite a publicised area, full of entertainment and things to do, it was extremely easy to pick up posters of which were advertising all kinds of differemt subjects. From Gigs and Concert showings to Fast food and Holidays abroad! These are just three of the many i found.

My Research

Poster 1

I found this poster in a stack, outside a local music shop. The appearance is very simple and attention-grabbing. The MAMMA MIA! headline has been created using a TIMES NEW ROMAN type face and the divergent colours used attracts people's attention staright away, which is how i saw it in the first place.

Poster 2

This was a two sided poster i picked up from my local theatre, the cliffs pavilion.

( here is the link to there website ) http://www.thecliffspavilion.co.uk/
The first side is plain and simple, containing their logo and a sponsered theatre at the top and a big colourful illustration to what looks like the arms and hands of two men, either wrestling or shaking hands, which could represent the drama of the plays in the theatre and gives the poster its edge and identity.

Then underneath a contacting brief of their number and website.

The colours used are constrasting navy blue/black and white which makes it eye catching and appealing to people.
This contrsting colour effect follows through onto the back page, advertising their latest play
The difference of this page is that it is alot more informative, giving info about the play including the dates and times of showings, who is staring in it etc...
Poster 3

This 'Healthy living' poster advertising all sorts of products was posted through my letter box, i think it much more informative than the others. It has lots of pictures and text on it, and looks like it is aimed to encourage people to live healthier and more efficiently. The chosen bold red text brings out the character of the poster and i think is the biggest influence in attracting their audiences attention.
The layout used is similar to that of a front page of a newspaper, with the name formatted at the top, a main story in the middle and other information underneath, which may promote people to want to investigate further into the advertisement.
From researching different sorts of posters and leaflets gave me the knowledge to design and develop my own poster! and this is what I came up with...
Layout Design


Then i went about creating the real thing! Combining pictures with text, creating adverts for my website and building it to look as eye catching as possible, as I knew that if it was a real newspaper, grabbing my audience’s attention would be very important necessity in order for the newspaper to be successful.

-And after a bit of treaking here and there i finalised my poster to a saticfactory leval that in my view ticked all of the aims above!

Finished poster!