
Statement of Intent !

For my A2 Media project I intent to not only establish two pieces of print media but also one piece of digital media.
Beginning with the printed media of which is my focused part of the project. I plan to produce the first two pages of a newspaper. This will involve using Adobe In design software, to create the template and design of my newspaper, and Photoshop to create the contents of my newspaper such as; the name, advertisements, pictures, headlines and headings of the paper.
Taken into account the complexity of designing and creating a good, well informative newspaper, I have time scaled the completion of this product for 8 weeks.

For the second piece of my print media I propose to produce a poster using the same software in advertisement of the newspaper. For this I wish to set a smaller time scale of two weeks for completion, for the reason that it is a significantly simpler piece in my project and should take less time to manufacture.

Following this I intend to produce my digital media which will be to create a website that will include two hyperlinked pages and of which will be established using Microsoft Publisher and Adobe Photoshop. I am estimating this to take me around 8 weeks to complete for the reason that it involves heavy detailing and accuracy.

(Along side this I will construct a questionnaire once all of the proposed media has been completed which will be in aid of whether or not the Newspaper will likely to be a success or not.)

I propose that my newspaper will be targeted at teenagers/young adults, ranging from 16 – 22 year olds. For the core reason that since I am personally at the heart of this age group, I feel that I am more able to identify and construct a newspaper that people my age would be interested in and want to read about. As well as have a more enhanced knowledge and understanding about how my targeted audience would like the newspaper to be displayed and created whilst in recognition of being biased or generalised about topics in consideration.

Throughout producing my project proposal, my ideas for what I wish for my overall newspaper ought to be like will differ throughout the stages of development.
Moreover because of this I feel that my product will differentiate from existing products because I will have considered fragments from a diversity of different newspapers and magazines whilst carrying out my research to hold them as ideas for my fabrication and therefore reinforcing uniqueness and a sense of individuality.